Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Ranking All 10 Seasons of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

There really are two types of people who watch TV: those who love It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia and those who hate it. If you can't tell, I am one of the former. I came onto the show after the third season had aired. After watching one episode, I bought the first two seasons and showed it to anyone that would watch it. I have converted about a half dozen people to the show. One of 'my converts' has been trying to get me to throw rocks at trains on Christmas Day ever since.

Friday, December 4, 2015

From Launch Strategy to First Download: Self-Publishing My First Novel.

On November 27th I debuted my novel, 'Tears of Ugh: Part I', on Amazon Kindle and iBooks. I wanted to do a recap of the book launch of my first self-published work. One thing you should know is that I had no experience in marketing, publishing, or web design and had very little web presence outside of my friends and family. I hope that if you or someone you know stood where I stood a few months ago, this article helps. If I can offer one piece of advice for those that are hesitant about self-publishing: Don't hold back, now is the time.

I had a few stipulations for launching my debut novel. I started searching around the web for self-publishing guides, information, podcasts, etc and found that it is all in one way or another ‘pay to play’. I saw this as a challenge. I did not want to spend any money launching Tears of Ugh: Part I. This meant no paid editor, no Facebook ads, no google search ads. From the book cover to marketing, this endeavor would be all organic.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Interview with Oprah: Practice Makes Perfect

The following is a mock interview I did with Oprah to practice for the real thing. (If anyone can let her know that I'm available for an interview anytime I'd really appreciate that.) She thought I was J. K. Rowling for the entire interview, that is because I copied the transcript from her interview with J. K. Rowling. However, this was a very introspective task and if you have some spare time totally worth doing!

Monday, November 16, 2015

The Story behind The Story

It was a cold November night in Kabul. I had been deployed for four months. It was my second of two relatively cushy deployments in Kabul. But this was the first deployment I had someone back home waiting for me. She was a very special lady who I would marry in 2015. It was stressful for both of us.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

A man. A plan. A canal. Panama. Mostly just a plan.

I have decided to split my novel 'Tears of Ugh' into two parts and I am going to have two separate releases. After thinking long and hard about it I decided to name the first part 'Tears of Ugh: Part I'. Very original. More important than the title is the fact that Part I will be released for FREE on Kindle and iBooks on November 24th, 2015.