Sunday, February 28, 2016

All Former U.S. Presidents with Trump's hair.

I used the official portraits from the White House website.

I think my favorite is Madison, he looks like a young Donald.

 George Washington never told a lie, but a hairpiece isn't exactly being honest.
 John Adams was the second president? I thought it was Jefferson.
 Thomas Jefferson, there he is.
 James Madison looks like Trump!
James Monroe. This is when I realized that Trumps hair is like the Mona Lisa's eyes.
As we see on John Quincy Adams: no matter the angle, it's always looking at you.
  Andrew Jackson's hair was on point. It didn't need Trump's haircut, but I put it on anyway. Jackson's hair also has a fan club on Facebook.
Martin Van Buren. Don't ask me why, but for some reason I was most excited to give him Trump hair. He's the first President whose second language was English. Take that Rubio!
William Harrison. Thanks to The Simpsons I know that he was only President for 30 days. Probably worth listening to the full song for these next guys.
John Tyler...Durden. Never heard of him.
James Polk. Polk's ideology is making a comeback, if you want to call it that. 
Zachary Taylor. I would never vote for anyone with two first names.
Milliard Fillmore. Both of his names would make great hipster baby names or be extra-original and combine them: Milliardfillmore.
Franklin Pierce. Even his name is too mediocre to make fun of.
James Buchanan. The book, is that supposed to be his...? 
Abraham Lincoln. Trump hair makes even Honest Abe seem of questionable repute.
Andrew Johnson...or Vigo the Carpathian?
Ulysses S. Grant won the Civil War while drunk.
Rutherford B. Hayes. The beard matches the curtains...
James Garfield. I only heard of him because he's named after a famous cat.
Chester Arthur. Die Hard 3! Die Hard 3! It's the President referenced in Die Hard 3!
Grover Cleveland. This is not the dude from The Cleveland Show.
Benjamin Harrison. Grandson of the Harrison that only lasted 30 days.
William McKinley. If Trump becomes President will he change Denali back to Mt. McKinley or Trump Mountain? Someone post a picture of Denali Mountain with Trump hair.
Theodore Roosevelt. Where's Alvin and Simon?
William Howard Taft. Everyone knows him as the fat guy. But he was a Supreme Court judge after he was President. Keep that seat open for Obama!
Woodrow Wilson. Initials are WW...WWI...Conspiracy! Conspiracy!
Warren G. Harding. One of three sitting Senators to be elected to the Office of President. Here he is standing.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you, Calvin Coolidge was a good friend of mine."

Herbert Hoover. Not related to the vacuum family, but he sure did suck at being President.
Franklin D. Roosevelt. I can't make fun of a dude in a wheel chair. But I will say I never really figured out what FDR stood for.
Harry S. Truman Show.
Dwight Eisenhower would probably prefer no hair toTrump hair.
John F. Kennedy. Man if we had the internet & TMZ when he was in the White House.
Lyndon B. Johnson. He's pretty polarizing, so I'll just leave him alone.
Richard Nixon is not a crook.
Gerald Ford became President because of Watergate, but couldn't beat the peanut farmer to earn re-election. Trump hair would have helped.
Jimmy Carter. People all over the world know him as 'The Peanut Farmer'.
Ronald Reagan aka The Gipper aka Why is my airport only a national airport? 
George Herbert Walker Bush. As far as Bush Presidents go I prefer Bush II: The Reckoning. 
William Clinton. What's that hand doing in your pocket, slick?
George Walker Texas Ranger Bush

Don't accuse me of being lazy for leaving out Barrack Obama, his official portrait won't be revealed until he is out of office. Bush at his own portrait revealing ceremony, hilarious. Obama can now "Gaze into this portrait and ask, 'What would George do?'"

If you enjoyed this check out my book on Kindle and iTunes. There is no Trump hair, but there is a talking ostrich! And browse my blog for some more good stuff.

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