Welcome. I've been looking at how to self promote myself on the Internet and everywhere says build a platform. I have no idea what that means, but what I am doing is using this blog to provide information on my debut novel, 'Tears of Ugh'. It is a Young Adult novel that is not about vampires, magicians, runners, or children killing each other.
What is there left to write about? Mimes, it is a YA story about mimes.
Okay, it is not about mimes. It is about a young man on a quest to stop an army from invading Ugh, a war-torn pre-industrial land. On his journey he will meet Sooth, a young woman from a small mountain village; Leck, a mysterious man from the south; Edi, a dimwitted warrior with a giant body and a giant heart; and Deniz, an invader who has fought in too many battles in his life and does not want to fight in another one. All of these people will unite behind Jor on his journey to stop the impending invasion.
As Jor and Sooth see the devastation that war causes the human spirit, they unknowingly discover what it is that makes the human spirit survive so much pain: the power of love.
The story is not without elements of fantasy, there are two spirits that inhabit the body of ostriches. The ostrich that Jor is riding is Kaw, an ancient and bitter spirit. Kaw has seen humans kill and be killed by each other. And there is Squaka, who is a young spirit within the ostrich that Sooth is riding. These two spirits put their faith in the humans believing in the the power of love.
If this interests you please follow me on twitter @JBDuryea. I am looking to have an eBook by Thanksgiving 2015. I will release more details as they become available.
You can also follow my travels on this blog as well. I have a few stories up here, I will put a quick note here when I post a new story.
That's why I'm here, now tell me why you're here in the comments below.
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